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Rotoscoping Saint Agatha out of her own Myth in an Aesthetics of Reparation
The Salzkammergut as Movie-Set — Das Salzkammergut als Filmkulisse
Prestel: 2024 (Buy)
German Translation
English Version Coming Soon
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Radical Equality and Global Feminist Filmmaking: An Anthology 
Vernon Press 2021 
Edited by Bernadette Wegenstein and Lauren Mushro
Radical Equality and Global Feminist Filmmaking: An Anthology 
Vernon Press 2021 
Edited by Bernadette Wegenstein and Lauren Mushro
Cosmetic Surgery: Medicine, Culture, Beauty
Living Books About Life
Media in the Age of Apophenia: Why the Study of Media Art and Theory is more Important Today than Ever in Mast
MAST: 2020 (PDF)

Editors Maryam Muliaee

and Mani Mehrvarz

The Cosmetic Gaze: Body Modification and the Construction
of Beauty

MIT Press: 2012 (buy)

Getting Under the Skin: Body and
Media Theory

MIT Press: 2006

Interview in Florence Doléac: Minute Papillon

Co-author Keren Detton

Galerie Jousse Entreprise: 2019
(PDF) (web)
The Good and the Bad Breast: Cosmetic Surgery and Breast Cancer in Living and Dying in the Contemporary World

Editors. Veena Das and

Clara Han Seeing

University of California
Press: 2015. (buy) / (PDF)
Returning the Gaze 
in Viewfinder
British Universities Film
& Video Council: 2017 (PDF)
On Physiognomy, Reality Television, and the Cosmetic Gaze
 Together with Nora Ruck
Body & Society, 2011
Believing, Suffering:
the Body as Medium
in Religion and Contemporary Media Practice
NOMOS: 2014
Body in Critical Terms for Media Studies

Editors Mark Hansen

and W.J.T. Mitchell

University of Chicago
Press: 2009. (buy)
The Embodied Film: Austrian Contributions to Experimental Cinema in After the Avant-garde: Engagements with Contemporary Austrian and German Experimental Film

Editors Randall Halle and

Reinhild Steingröver

Camden House: 2009. (buy)
Machinic Suture: Technologies of Beautification in Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
MIT Press: 2012. (buy)

Editor Ulrik Ekman

Beauty Politics in the Age of #metoo,” in Beauty Politics

Editor Maxine Craig

Routledge: 2020
Agatha's Breasts on
a Plate: "Ugliness"
as Resistance and Queerness in On the Politics of Ugliness
Palgrave Macmillan: 2018 (buy)

Editors Sara Rodrigues

and Ela Przybylo

Ideas of Physical Beauty in: A History of Beauty, Volume
I “The Modern Age”
Bloomsbury: 2020

Editor Paul Deslandes 

Making Room for
the Body: From Fragmentation to Mediation in re: skin
MIT Press: 2006. (buy)

Editors Austin Booth

and Mary Flanagan

Der kosmetische Blick: zur Geschichte und Theorie der Körpermodifikation von Platon bis Michael Jackson   in Vom Zauber des Schönen: Reiz, Begehren und Zerstörung
Zsolnay: 2010.

Editor Konrad Paul Liessman

Provoking the Truth: Applying the Method of Cinema Verite in
The Philosophy of
Documentary Film
Roman+Littlefield: 2016 (buy)

Editor David LaRocca

The Medium is the Body in   Intermedialities—Philosophy / Arts / Politics
Lexington Books: 2010. (buy)

Editors Henk Oosterling

and Ewa Plonowska Ziarek

Cosmetic Surgery   and Botox in The American Beauty Industry
Greenwood Press, 2010. (buy)

Editor Julie Willett

Saint Agatha in the cultural imaginary of
contemporary Italian culture: from
 l’Arte della gioia to Lazzaro felice
Journal of Modern
Italian Studies
Forward in The Spaces and Places of Horror
Vernon Press: 2019
(PDF) (buy)

Editors Francesco Pascuzzi

and Sandra Waters

The Strange Encounter with your *self*: Cindy Sherman in the Era of the Selfie in: The Royal Society of Photography
Die Darstellung von Aids in den Medien: semio-linguistische Interpretation und Analyse

The Representation of AIDS

in the European Media

MIT Press: 2006

Die Arbeit am

eigenen Körper

Picus: 2009

Together with Martina Pippal

Reality Made Over:
A Special Issue of Configurations:
A Journal of
Literature, Science,
and Technology
Volume 15, Number 1, Winter 2007 (link)
Volume 15, Number 2, Winter 2007 (link)
Italien als zona grigia. Der italienische Film des neuen Millenniums zeigt ein Land im Ausnahmezustand
in Maske & Kothurn Das italienische Kino im neuen Millennium

Birgit Wagner and

Daniel Winkler

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